• Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.

by Clodagh Killeen

Published On: October 12th, 2023Categories: News


Lifelong Learning is essential for leaders in private healthcare.
  • Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.

by Clodagh Killeen

Published On: October 12th, 2023Categories: News

Margaret Wafer, Clinical & Quality Director with Céile Care, shares her insights on lifelong learning, from being a part of LHP Skillnet’s foundation to transitioning from clinical practice to quality improvement.

Learning & Development Project Manager Clodagh Killeen spoke with her about her passion for care of the older person and what has helped her on her journey.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.

“Education and training never end, and you are never too old.”

Margaret Wafer is the Clinical & Quality Director of Céile Care.

The logo of Céile Care, an LHP Skillnet Member Company booking our Courses for Residential Care Providers.
Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how your career has developed to date?

I trained as staff nurse in St. Vincent’s University Hospital. Throughout my training, I worked in older-person care. I thoroughly enjoyed this area of nursing and found it very rewarding. A year after I qualified, I returned to UCD and completed my degree in general nursing.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


After leaving St. Vincent’s Hospital I went to work in long-term residential care for older people as a staff nurse. Five months later, I was promoted to the position of assistant director of nursing. Then, a year after that, I became the Director of Nursing of a 161-bedded home.

I later completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Gerontology Nursing, followed by the LEO Leadership Course, a Postgraduate Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control, and most recently a Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare, Quality and Risk Management.

Keep Learning, Keep Progressing

Education and training were always especially important to me. I completed many courses in wound care, nutrition, venepuncture, and auditing.

After 17 years as Director of Nursing, I took up the role of Regional Director where I supported multiple homes. Following this, I was delighted to accept the role of Clinical & Quality Director with Céile Care. My work involves supporting family-run and family-owned nursing homes to maintain compliance with the regulations and standards. Moreover, I find it important to always promote best practice and lifelong learning.

Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


How did you become interested in caring for older people?

From a young age, I was raised with a huge respect for older people, and that has stayed with me. They are so full of knowledge and fun.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


I did part of my transition year President’s Award in a local nursing home. It was great fun; I still recall many fond memories of it. From the age of 16, I worked part-time in another local nursing home. I believe this experience made my transition to a nurse very easy. It is an area I have always remained interested in.

My hope is that if we are lucky enough, we will reach our older years. And I would hope that we will receive the best possible high-quality care.

Staying Ahead with LHP Skillnet

Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


So, how did you first come involved with LHP Skillnet?

I became involved in LHP Skillnet when it was first established. At that time, I sat on the steering committee. I thought the concept was excellent and very important. Education and training must be good quality along with being value for money.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


For many years now, you have sat on LHP Skillnet’s steering group. You are also currently a director of the network in a voluntary capacity. Why is it important for you to be involved? And how do you feel LHP Skillnet has developed over this time?

LHP Skillnet is where I would always turn to if I was looking for particular training. Sometimes I would just ask for advice on the best course to choose and what else was available. I was always very satisfied with the high standard of training that was delivered. Moreover, the feedback from staff was always so positive.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


Being able to bring my clinical and management experience as a Director of Nursing was immensely helpful. It meant that I was able to have an active say in identifying training and educational gaps within the sector. This allowed LHP Skillnet to design and facilitate courses that were never previously there for us. Additionally, they provide bespoke courses to meet our needs.

All our training is sector-led to guarantee a high standard while keeping the cost low.

Even today in my role with Céile Care, I refer to LHP Skillnet when organising or advising homes about training. I have seen LHP Skillnet go from strength to strength and continually strive to improve and deliver the best quality of evidence-based training possible, whilst ensuring value for money.

“One of the standout features of LHP Skillnet is your commitment to staying ahead of the curve. Continuously updating your training programs to incorporate the latest industry trends and advancements furthers lifelong learning goals. Additionally, you are pursuing research in areas that are really important to the healthcare sector. This has been and will continue to be invaluable to the sector, in my opinion. That is why I am very proud to be a part of it.”

Challenges & Rewards

Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


You did the Postgraduate Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control during the COVID-19 pandemic. Did you find this a difficult undertaking whilst working full time as a Director of Nursing?

The idea for this course came up in a discussion with [LHP Skillnet Network Manager] Carmel Kelly about how useful a programme like this would be for nursing home staff. Carmel took the idea on board and worked with UCC to make it happen. Before I knew it, I was enrolling on the course.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


Whilst COVID-19 was extremely challenging, we were very well supported by both LHP Skillnet and UCC to complete the certificate online. We also made many great networking connections, many of whom I am still in touch with today.

Going back to study can appear overwhelming but the benefits far outweighed any negatives, and I have gained a great understanding and knowledge in relation to IPC, which I was able to share in practice.

Lifelong Learning Needs

Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


I know you have a great interest in continuing professional development, and you have done a lot of training over the years. When you look back on the courses that have really made a personal impact on you, what do you think is the key factor that has made them stand out?

I think training has to be interesting, interactive, and flexible. I have also met many like-minded people on courses over the years who were great supports and assisted me in completing them.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


What advice would you give to nurses in the residential care sector on developing their careers and seeking new opportunities that present?

I would advise everyone to pick a specific topic each year that they concentrate on and become very knowledgeable about, for example the topic that thematic inspections are carried out on. This will help them gain confidence in the subject and also to promote best practice. Education and training never end, and you are never too old to start anything.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


Clodagh Killeen is LHP Skillnet's Learning & Development Project Manager.


You have progressed your career into quality assurance in clinical practice, and you are clearly passionate about improving standards of care for older people.

Lifelong learning has the power to support a truly sustainable and confident workforce. Sadly, staff training is sometimes seen as a tick-the-box measure to ensure compliance. How do you think can we encourage others to realise the great impact training and education can provide?

I think post-training evaluation is vital. If staff are not motivated by what they have learned, there is no point in attending a course. This also means that education and training need to be varied; for example, online, in-person, individual and group workshops are all needed.

Margaret Wafer is a member of LHP Skillnet's Board of Directors.


Furthermore, we learn better when we have an interest in the topic, and staff should be given the opportunity to attend education and training that they enjoy. This will ensure theory becomes practice.

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