Our Mission

Established in January 2008, Leading Healthcare Providers (LHP) Skillnet is a not-for-profit Learning Network co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and our member companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. Of the 70+ Skillnet Ireland Learning Networks, we are the only Network dedicated exclusively to supporting the private healthcare sector. We do this through the provision of high-quality, sector-led, subsidized training and education, research, and programme development.

A Message From the Network Manager

Our Policies

LHP Skillnet is dedicated to delivering the highest standards of education within the healthcare sector and improve the quality of our programmes, how we support our learners, and how we interact with all our stakeholders.

We aim to provide high-quality programmes which meet and, where possible, exceed stakeholder needs and expectations. In order to achieve this, we have an agile and responsive QA system to guide our work and help lock in quality. We have published our Quality Assurance manual below.

This is a living document that provides a full, detailed summary of the policies and procedures an organisation abides by to guarantee the quality of their services and programmes. As it is always subject to revision and development, we may add, remove or edit policies in the future.

Our Commitment to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

We seek to create an environment where there is equality of opportunity, and everyone is treated with respect and dignity and individual differences are accepted and embraced. We are committed to ensuring that all staff, learners, members, and stakeholders are aware of our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion and can expect to be treated with respect and dignity in terms of:

LHP Skillnet is dedicated to diversity and inclusion.
  • Access to programmes, courses and supports
  • Access to a safe and supportive in-person and online learning environment

  • The suitability of teaching methodologies, mode of delivery, learning materials, assessment methods, and procedures

LHP Skillnet is dedicated to diversity and inclusion.

We make staff and learners aware of their responsibilities with regard to equality, diversity and inclusion and to identify and call out discrimination in any form, direct or indirect. We ask applicants who have learning support needs to let us know when they are applying for a place. Equality, diversity and inclusion is addressed in the tutor and learner handbooks and at tutor and learner induction. We comply with all relevant equality legislation, and regularly monitor and review all processes and procedures to ensure compliance with best practice in this area.

Our Members

Membership with LHP Skillnet is free and open to all private healthcare providers in Ireland. You become an active member company simply by attending one of our courses or arranging a course for your team through us. These are some of our active member companies:

Not only do members enjoy subsidized, accredited learning programmes tailored to their needs, they also benefit from their dedicated, one-to-one relationship with our network team. Our progress is led by our member companies. Add your voice and help us set the learning agenda for the private healthcare sector today.

What Our Members Say

“NHI and LHP Skillnet have worked collaboratively over the years on provision of bespoke training and education for the nursing home sector. We have a strong mutually beneficial partnership with co-design and delivery of dedicated training and education for our sector.”

Deirdre ShanagherDeirdre Shanagher, Clinical Nurse Expert, NHI

Our Team

Directors & Network Manager

Seamus Crawley
Seamus CrawleyNetwork Promoter & Director
Chairperson, Sonas Nursing Homes & Retirement Villages
Margaret Wafer
Margaret WaferDirector
Director Clinical & Quality, Céile Care
Carmel Kelly
Carmel KellyNetwork Manager

Steering Group

Seamus Gallagher
Seamus Gallagher
Lisa Malone
Lisa Malone
Our Lady’s Manor Nursing Home
Mark Flanagan
Mark Flanagan
Operations Manager, Communicare
Deirdre Shanagher
Deirdre Shanagher
Clinical Nurse Expert, NHI
Niamh Heneghan
Niamh Heneghan
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams
CEO, Connected Health

Network Team

Clodagh Killeen
Clodagh KilleenLearning & Development Project Manager
Ted Panek
Ted PanekNetwork Administrator & Finance
Eileen Corry
Eileen CorryQQI Coordinator Skills Connect
Simrandeep Kaur
Simrandeep KaurQQI Coordinator TNP
Shirley Mahony
Shirley MahonyHealthcare Course Coordinator
Una Fitzpatrick
Una FitzpatrickHealthcare Course Coordinator
Leann Doheny
Leann DohenyHealthcare Course Coordinator
Helen Healy
Helen HealyProject Coordinator
Caoimhe O'Donnell
Caoimhe O'DonnellQuality Assurance

Our Awarding Bodies

LHP Skillnet is a QQI-recognised provider. QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is a state agency established by the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 with a board appointed by the Minister for Education and Skills.

What is the Purpose of QQI?

  • Maintains the ten-level NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications).
  • Sets standards for awards made on the NFQ.
  • Validates education and training programmes
  • Makes awards in the further education and higher education sectors
  • Provides advice on recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland and on the recognition of Irish qualifications abroad.
  • Publishes a directory of providers and awards in the NFQ.
  • Reviews the effectiveness of quality assurance in further and higher education and training providers in Ireland.
  • Authorises the use of an International Education Mark (IEM)
LHP Skillnet is a provider of programmes leading to QQI awards.

The Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is a ten-level system (1–10) giving an academic or vocational value to qualifications obtained in Ireland. Each level is based on nationally agreed standards of what a learner is expected to know and be able to do after receiving an award. There are four types of awards:

  • Major Awards: the principal class of award made at a level
  • Minor Awards: for partial completion of the outcomes for a Major Award
  • Supplemental Awards: for learning that is additional to a Major Award
  • Special Purpose Awards: for relatively narrow or purpose-specific achievement

LHP Skillnet delivers a programme which leads to the major award Healthcare Support. The award code is 5M4339. The award is made to learners who reach the required standard in 8 minor awards; Communications, Safety & Health, Care Support, Care Skills, Infection prevention control, Care of the Older Person, Pallative Care and Work Practice. There is also a clinical (work experience) placement of 300 hours’ duration.

About Progression

Progression is defined by the Qualification and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 as the process whereby learners may transfer from one programme of education and training to another programme, where each programme is of a higher level than the preceding programme. Learners who successfully complete a QQI major award can progress to programmes at a higher level on the National Framework of Qualifications. They may gain access to a variety of third level programmes via the Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS), which provides progression opportunities, through the Central Applications Office, for QQI award holders. Alternatively, learners may apply for direct entry to third level programmes through the CAO based on their educational qualifications or as a mature student.